There are two type of insurance companies you can choose from when you buy insurance. One is called a stock insurance company and the other is called a mutual insurance company. In this article, I’m going to break down what each type of company is. I’ll also talk about which type of company I like […]
Buy Life Insurance for Fishers Indiana Locally
Life Insurance for Fishers, Indiana Area Residents Do you live in Fishers, Indiana? Do you need to buy some life insurance? If you answered yes to both of those questions, I’d like to be your life insurance agent. I have helped thousands of people with their life insurance over the last 25 years and would […]
Direct Recognition vs Non-Direct Recognition (Does It Matter?)
Does it matter if your life insurance policy is a direct versus a non-direct recognition policy? Here, I’m going to break down what the difference is between these two types of policies. Then, I’m going to answer the question, does it matter? The Difference Between Direct Recognition vs Non-Direct Recognition A whole life policy allows the […]
Is Pregnancy a Pre-Existing Condition for Short Term Disability?
A common question I get from women at open enrollment time is if pregnancy is a pre-existing condition for short term disability. Usually, this question comes from women who are already pregnant and who aren’t currently enrolled in the STD plan. So in this article, I’m going to talk about how pregnancy is treated under […]
Don’t Throw Away Your Benefits Confirmation Statement
Each enrollment period, you should receive a benefits confirmation statement. This statement confirms what benefits you selected for the upcoming enrollment year. In this article, I’ll talk about why you want to make sure you get one each year. Plus, you’ll want to keep each and every confirmation you receive for as long as you […]
How to Find Prospects for Life Insurance Clients
The most important skill you’ll need to build your life insurance agency from scratch is to find the best way to prospect for life insurance clients. Unfortunately, in the life insurance business, it’s not what you know that matters. It’s marketing that knowledge to the people who need it that does. That marketing is called […]
Is It Better to Be a Captive or Independent Insurance Agent?
As you start your insurance career, one of the questions you will eventually ask is whether it’s better to be captive or independent insurance agent. In this article, I’m going to talk about the differences between these two types of agents. I’ve been both a captive and independent agent and so I’ll give you my […]
Errors and Omissions Insurance for Life Insurance Agents
Once you get your insurance license, the next step is to purchase errors and omissions insurance for life insurance agents. It’s also sometimes called E&O insurance. In this article, I’m going to talk about why you need to have E&O, how much you need to get as well as where you can get it and […]
How to Get Your Life and Health Insurance License
To begin your career as a insurance agent, you have to get an insurance license. This license allows you to sell insurance and receive commission from the insurance companies you represent. In this article, I’m going to walk you through the steps you need to take to get your life and health insurance license as […]
How to Build a Successful Life Insurance Agency from Scratch
In this article, I want to share with you how you can start and build a successful life insurance agency from scratch. Building an ordinary life insurance agency is a lost art. There are fewer agents serving fewer people who need life insurance. Building an agency is both something that is tougher and easier to […]