Accident insurance plans pay employees cash in the event of covered accidents. When putting an accident insurance plan in place, one of the first options you’ll need to decide is if you’ll allow the accident plan to cover employees 24 hours a day or only cover them for off the job related accidents. RESOURCE: If […]
The Definitive Guide to Accident Insurance
Accident insurance pays cash directly to the insured in the event of a covered accident. These payments can help offset the costs of out of pocket expenses for deductibles, co-payments, co-insurance, other related expenses or be used to pay everyday expenses. Since the money is paid directly to the insured, it’s really their decision on […]
What are Voluntary Benefits?
You might think of voluntary benefits as insurance benefit plans that employees can purchase “voluntarily” through their employer if they decide they want to enroll in them. While technically this is true, it also implies that some insurance benefits are required to be purchased by the employee. But this is not the case. Employees are not required to buy […]